D. Graham Burnett

“Savage Selection: Analogy and Elision in On the Origin of Species
An article arguing that the argumentative structure of Darwin’s work has been misunderstood
Endeavour, Vol. 33 (4): 120–125; December 2009.

“Knowledge of Leviathan: Captain Charles W. Morgan Anatomizes His Whale” (with Dan Bouk)
Edited and annotated publication of an important historical document
Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 27:433-66; Fall, 2008.

“Metaphysics, Money & the Messiah” (with Cornel West)
A conversation about Herman Melville’s The Confidence Man.
Dædalus, Vol. 136 (4):101-114; Fall, 2007.

“FOCUS: Science and the Law”
A special section of four articles.
Isis, Vol. 98 (2):310-350; June, 2007.

“Mapping Time: Chronometry on Top of the World” 
Clocks and rocks and maps and memory.
Dædalus, Vol. 132 (2):5–19; Spring, 2003.

“Einstein, Poincaré & Modernity” (with Peter Galison)
A discussion of timekeeping in the history of science.
Dædalus, Vol. 132 (2):41-55; Spring, 2003.

“‘It is impossible to make a step…’ Nineteenth-Century Interior Exploration and the Amerindians of British Guiana”
Ethnohistory, Vol. 49 (1):2-40; Winter, 2002. 

“Exploration, Performance, Alliance: Robert Schomburgk in British Guiana”
Journal of Caribbean Studies, Vol. 15(1&2): Fall, 2000.

“Robert Fludd: The Cosmogonic Experiments”
An essay on the history of experimentation, with annotated translation.
Ambix, Vol. 46 (3): November, 1999.

“A View from the Bridge: The Two Cultures Debate, Its Legacy, and the History of Science”
Abstracted in The Chronicle of Higher Education and The Wilson Quarterly.
Dædalus, Vol. 128 (2):193-218; Spring, 1999.

“Insular Visions: Cartographic Imagery and the Spanish-American War” (with R.B. Craib).
The Historian, Vol. 61: Fall, 1998.