Eating, Growing, Catching, Knowing: Historical Perspectives on Food, Science, and the Environment; HIS 497
Spring 2020
The Poetics of History; HIS/HOS 596 / ENG 592
Spring 2019
The Attention Economy: Historical Perspectives; HIS490
Fall 2018
The Enacted Thought; HUM/IHUM 598
Spring 2016
Experience; HUM599
Spring 2015
Things: Approaches to Material Culture; HIS/HOS 499
Spring 2015
Bibliography of Attention: Master Readings List
Syllabus I
Syllabus II
Spring 2013
Art, Science, Technology: Historical Perspectives; HOS 599
Spring 2011
The Art of Deception: Aesthetics at the Perimeter of Truth; HUM 598
Spring 2011
Science in a Global Context: From the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century; HOS/HIS 293
Spring 2009
Critique and Its Discontents; HUM 599, with Jeff Dolven
Autumn 2011
Autumn 2008
Science and Religion: Historical Approaches; HOS/HIS 493
Spring 2008
Science from Enlightenment to the Present: Science, Technology, and Social Order; HOS/HIS 593
Autumn 2006
Humans and Animals: Boundaries and Bonds, Science and Sites; HOS/HIS 596
Spring 2005
Science Across the Seas: Ships, Islands, and Knowledge; HOS/HIS 599
Autumn 2002
Terra Incognita: Maps, Explorers and Encounters 1595-1900
Fall 1998
Origins: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Darwin and His Ideas
Spring 1997